cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please or die
Gokul says Hi!

I am from ACS(I). Loves CHOCOLATE.
I am always Bored!


Yen Hang Rishi Deon
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 @ 8:21 PM
If anyone is likely to dress up in a crazy outfit, you are! You enjoy the visual stimulants of intense art accompanied with deep plots of fantasy, science-fiction, real-life; or you are just obsessed with Japan and everyone and everything in it. They love to gather with people like themselves at conventions and act crazy! The anime nerds are often associated with the stereotype of being the "psychotic" nerd, because they tend to be obsessive over their characters and series.

You psycho! I'm just kidding! But seriously, all forms of art should be appreciated, and anime is definitely one of them.
Social Nerd84%
Gamer/Computer Nerd81%
Science/Math Nerd77%
Literature Nerd71%
Artistic Nerd62%
Drama Nerd26%

So sue me , will you?
Shocking as it is, I was expecting to be a Science/Math nerd.
Well who knew?
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