cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please or die
Gokul says Hi!

I am from ACS(I). Loves CHOCOLATE.
I am always Bored!


Yen Hang Rishi Deon
Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 6:14 PM
Sat, Sun and Mon
I did not post for sat, sun and mon... Sat was kinda boring and I was really tired after the match on fri!!! I was usually working on my laptop and when i rarely stand, its really painful... Thats all for saturday because nothing important happened...

Sun was my 3rd div match again RI at 9 am which was a bit early... 30 ppl were registered for the match for then only about 12 people came which was really disappointing and the coach was really pissed because of this... Nicholas did not come... He is like our goal scoring machine and without him its not possible to win lol... he did not come because i think he got some injuries on fri!! We lost to them 6-0 which was not really bad because they were all sec 3 while our team is full of sec 2 and sec 1... We only had 1 substitute while they had about 5-6 substitutes = = Our coach said 6-0 is not bad considering all these factors... Thats all for sun...

Today which is Mon is the holiday for us because Youth day which was supposed to be yesterday... My father is obviously not a youth so i was playing cabal for a while and i am NOW DUAL MASTER... lol!! Proud of my achievement and currently 10/96 master... Hopefull dual a.master by this week or next week... After dual a.master, I am thinking of stopping cabal until exams finish because i do not want to screw up term 3 like term 2 even though the average for this term is mostly from our projects... We have still not even started on our history and project and i did not score that well for my history for term 2 so i have to really finish up my projects... GTG now bb guys^^
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