cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please or die
Gokul says Hi!

I am from ACS(I). Loves CHOCOLATE.
I am always Bored!


Yen Hang Rishi Deon
Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 2:14 PM
It has been a long time since i posted!
just came back since it is damn boring!

father at home so cant play...
cant watch youtube
nothing to do
only can read storybook and
prepare for class tests
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 9:27 PM
Back to singapore
Hello everyone... As u can see, I am back in singapore and am really enjoying it! The studies and all are damn hard. have a lot to catch up and luckily i have the 1 week term holiday to catch up on most of the subjects.

Met all my old friendS.All are the same... Zach still loves orange and cats... Tried to change him by giving him a dog but he still never change and he named it stanhope somemore... Zzh grow a bit more taller... Everybody is still the same!!!!!!!!

If i got more time to spare, i post more...

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 11:24 PM
Sorry for not posting for so long as there was some problems posting before and so i can finally post now... I seriously think qatar is damn lowsy compared to Singapore. Here no traffic lights at all except for some near the airport. lol. They put there for the doha sea games i think... If not no traffic lights at allll... so the crossing of roads takes like 1 min for me... Must wait until all the cars are gone and then only can cross and here in qatar every single guy has a car and all of them are the damn big ones...

I am thinking of coming back to Singapore as the studies here sux too... They had a english test for me on the first day of school... In the passage the first paragraph is "A koala is a mammal and also a marsupial." Thats it and the first question was 3 marks and the question was Is Koala a marsupial. This is a comprehension question. I also can't believe it but my father says that i have to adapt to all this. Then there was a history class and they were supposed to do a powerpoint presentation about this Medicines from Europe in the past and there was this guy who was saying that a ship transports this medicine and in the powerpoint presentation he spelt it as sheep lol. He read it from the powerpoint as sheep and did not notice it until I told him. I donno wat to say already. All this happened on the first day and the worst was the second language which was french for me and it was a killer. I forgot all my french stuff and there was a french test on that day. I donno wat to do and i was jus staring at that paper and i jus did some random stuff for multiple choise... For true or false also i put t or f randomly and same for multiple choise comprehension. I forgot the marks but she told that i passed and the french lady is freaking fat. She is jus big. everything is big ><... Extra LARGE... EVERYTHING... Then she does not even talk english but only talks french which makes it worse for me to understand...

Sorry for posting after too long... getting used to my new laptop... All the text above was written long time ago... Anyway i am crazy about cars now because the parents of 2 students of my class has a gallardo each and it looks freaking nice and i love the SOUND... Then the student of the next class has a ferrari enzo... what else man... after school i purposely run to the school gate to see them... imagine how nice it is to see these cars everyday right infront of your eyes...
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Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 2:50 PM
From qatar
Hi guys! I am posting from qatar which sux... Damn hot and freeaking cold during the night... How to stay and i am currently using my father's laptop because the internet has not been set for my own laptop and this keyboard sux and its damn confusing and all the arabic letter on it make it more confusing... SG I MISS U

As promised i have to link isaac lee and jon wong and yesterday was pain in my ass lol... jus came to new house. Then my father's fren came here with his car and brought us around the whole of qatar on the first day itself and i was freaking tired. Some places are damn cool in qatar like all the new buildings but some places jus simply look disgusting... From the outside most of the buildings looks like shyt but when u go inside its more nicer than sg buildings... The shopping centres are damn cool and there is everything here jus like singapore... Addidas shops, kfc, macs, burger king, coffee bean but i still donno whether there is bubble gum or chewing gum down here... hopefully there is!

Then one more thing guys... Pls don call my hp number or sms it or not ur bills will go freaking high... Anw i gave my sim care to my father to give it to his fren to use and that guy is in U.S. now >< so jus don call... THx
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @ 5:09 PM
I hate this skinmaker because his codes are freaking confusing but the skin suits me... I AM LEAVING SINGAPORE AND ALL MY FRIENDS...

Anyway nostalgia refers to the condition of being homesick or a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
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@ 4:18 PM
I decided to continue blogging so that I can keep you all updated about what is happening in Qatar. I jus think that blogging is damn lame but i am feeling damn bored now and my father is at home so I cant play any games. So just continue blogging and I totally forgot my password for my blogger account but after great difficulty realised that i have to include the in my username!!

Lots of people want to come and send me off then I HAVE TO KEEP SAYING NO... I also donno whether my internet down there is working properly and all.. Hopefully it works properly immediatelly when i go there and make sure can still play qatar and if they say i cannot play from there I AM GOIN TO @#!@# MY MODEM...
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Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 8:31 PM
I did not post for so many days which is either because i am studying, playing cabal or play dota.... and one more thing... IN HOCKEY... Fortunately, we are in round 2 of Hockey C div and i really hope that we could win... On tue our first round 2 match against Victoria ended up with the score 0-5.... They won and 2 own goals were scored by our famous naphkaran....

I damn tired now because of the cross country in the morning and we have a match against saint andrews tomorrow so donno whether i can be in my top standard and Josiah u r seriously damn bad... When u see me, its either u wack me or call me bangla or stupid nigga who belongs in your toilet bowl...
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Boring Back to singapore Sorry for not posting for so long as there was som... From qatar I hate this skinmaker because his codes are freaki... I decided to continue blogging so that I can keep ... I did not post for so many days which is either be... I never post for one week... I was damn lazy and u... Feeling damn bored so i don wan post about today..... Found this quiz on rishi blog SO WILL RIP IT OFF F...