cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please or die
Gokul says Hi!

I am from ACS(I). Loves CHOCOLATE.
I am always Bored!


Yen Hang Rishi Deon
Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 8:31 PM
I did not post for so many days which is either because i am studying, playing cabal or play dota.... and one more thing... IN HOCKEY... Fortunately, we are in round 2 of Hockey C div and i really hope that we could win... On tue our first round 2 match against Victoria ended up with the score 0-5.... They won and 2 own goals were scored by our famous naphkaran....

I damn tired now because of the cross country in the morning and we have a match against saint andrews tomorrow so donno whether i can be in my top standard and Josiah u r seriously damn bad... When u see me, its either u wack me or call me bangla or stupid nigga who belongs in your toilet bowl...
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 6:12 PM
I never post for one week... I was damn lazy and usually had hockey trainings so i did not post... today was our match against Yuhua and they play like shyt but we won them only 1-0... sob... Now i am damn tired... Goin to sleep soon >< bb
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 8:21 PM
Feeling damn bored so i don wan post about today... If tomorrow i in good mood, then i talk about today also... bb
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Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 6:55 PM
Found this quiz on rishi blog SO WILL RIP IT OFF FROM HIM... LOL

When is the last time a boy gave you a hug?
Yen Hang after we scored a goal together when playing street soccer
Who was the last person who looked at you and smiled?
My friend oswin
Have you ever touched an elephant?
got one at my home which is my sister and i don't really touch her...
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
siao... me??? in a relationship???? dream on???
Are you loving life at the moment?
Has anybody ever told you you have pretty eyes?
if i don't have a relationship, then hu will say that i have pretty eyes
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Businessman or some high position in a company
Name something you did yesterday?
Play cabal
If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean?
i will thinking of who or what to squeez tomorrow in school
What is the weather like today?
not bad
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A sec 1 hockey friend
Do you have curly hair?
I donno??? sometimes have i think lol
If someone were to tell you they like you right now, would you care?
Last place you took a plane to?
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
My pillow and my blanket
What is the last movie you watched?
hanCOCK... super lame movie
Are you happy at the moment?
What are you listening to right now?
Touch my body
What did you dream about last night?
Me being the richest man in the world
Do you like to read?
sometimes yes... sometimes no
You're in the hospital, who on your TOP friends comes to visit you?
I dont think i have any good friends.. Even zzh hates me sometimes...
Do people underestimate you?
What's your favorite color?
Black and white
Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'?
For me nope because i consider all my friends as my best friends
Do you miss anyone?
My grandparents
Are you anything like you were at this point last year?
What's the 8th text in your inbox say?
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?
Seeing my friends again
Do you think you like anyone?
Are you falling for someone?
Do you like your first name?
Yeah because I am expected to do kamehameha
What are you looking forward to in the next month?
Do you like pancakes?
Have never eaten one in my life... too used to eat indian food
Do you have a facebook?
Yeah but usually inactive
Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?
Yes... Wish i could play soccer like cristiano ronaldo
Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren't

... My answers are kind of lame so don care about it
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@ 6:14 PM
Sat, Sun and Mon
I did not post for sat, sun and mon... Sat was kinda boring and I was really tired after the match on fri!!! I was usually working on my laptop and when i rarely stand, its really painful... Thats all for saturday because nothing important happened...

Sun was my 3rd div match again RI at 9 am which was a bit early... 30 ppl were registered for the match for then only about 12 people came which was really disappointing and the coach was really pissed because of this... Nicholas did not come... He is like our goal scoring machine and without him its not possible to win lol... he did not come because i think he got some injuries on fri!! We lost to them 6-0 which was not really bad because they were all sec 3 while our team is full of sec 2 and sec 1... We only had 1 substitute while they had about 5-6 substitutes = = Our coach said 6-0 is not bad considering all these factors... Thats all for sun...

Today which is Mon is the holiday for us because Youth day which was supposed to be yesterday... My father is obviously not a youth so i was playing cabal for a while and i am NOW DUAL MASTER... lol!! Proud of my achievement and currently 10/96 master... Hopefull dual a.master by this week or next week... After dual a.master, I am thinking of stopping cabal until exams finish because i do not want to screw up term 3 like term 2 even though the average for this term is mostly from our projects... We have still not even started on our history and project and i did not score that well for my history for term 2 so i have to really finish up my projects... GTG now bb guys^^
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Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 6:14 PM
Hockey second match of C-Div
Today was IP symposium and also Hockey match... IP symposium movie which was Day after tomorrow was kinda nice... Thats all for school and then we went for hockey already at about 1+...

I don wan tell anything else lol because we won the match 3-1... Nicholas scored one when i sweeped the ball into the D and Jason scored 2... The first goal was assisted by nicholas while the next one was assisted by me... Nicholad goal was the best because after i sweeped to him he did a reverse shot and scored it... Then long corner also he hit 2 cm away from my private part... lol...
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Thursday, July 3, 2008 @ 7:08 PM
Youth Day
Today is kind of an important day. THE YOUTH DAY. Everyone was wearing casual stuff and some ppl only wear school attire. There were this group of people among the sec 2 who were wearing ties. The only part of the uniform that every student hates in ACS(I) is actually the stupid blue gay tie but still some idiots wear it... Wanna act cool =.= And one guy wearing the Michael Jackson hat lol... Looks alike and everyone looking at him and laughing... I bet u he will be regretting wearing that stupid lame hat...

Then was this soccer match against the teachers and the prefects and unfortunatelly the goalkeeper of the prefects actually look like zzh. As tall as him. Runs like him. Saves the ball like him. So alike lol... It was a draw. In the 1st half the students were owning the teacher 3-1 but then in the second half referee is a teacher and therefore so buyous.... He gave them 2 penalties and were SUPPORTING THE TEACHERS LAH LOL... The guy who was damn pro in the prefects team was OBVIOUSLY AN INDIAN AS USUAL... He owned with his mercurial vapor... His shots and left-leg cross were jus too mesmerising...

After the match, recess for one hour and then lessons as usual... Party in class and Mr dave tay is the best man... He lets us play soccer during his period and the pc period... Mdm Norreen also freaking pro... Brought oreo and chocolate for us when playing soccer... We are like so lucky lah to get 2 super nice godly teachers... The other classes jealous of us... lol... We played in the street soccer court because no one was there and because Mr dave tay say all go play soccer... Almost 8/9 of the class came down to play and therefore some students in my class had to seperate all of them into 3 groups... I was with all the pros in my class as usual... firstly ZZH, LIONEL TYE, ZACHRY, RISHI, WEI JIE AND ISAAC LEE... HOW GODLY IS THAT???????? lol but seriously its not fare when u always group with people like Nikhel, Ivan gan, Shahadan and Nicholas... Must give chance to other people like zzh and lionel tye lol... They both owned the game... zzh showed his wonderfull goalkeeping skills while Lionel tye used his bulging muscles to squeez through their no0b defence lol... but we lost i think 4-1 >< but at first the other 2 teams played
and they like 1/2 an hour which was like totally not fare... they both score one goal each... The team which socres 2 goals stay while the other team goes out so after too long they decided to have the penalty kick... The penalty also most of them purposely miss i think... Then later they decided to throw coin and decide... Then only we went in and lost to them 4-1 in less than 3 minutes so we were all like damn pissed and went to SAC to buy drinks.. Then we came back class... AS USUAL I WAS RESEARCHING ABOUT NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MY LAPTOP..

Then maths lesson came... Quadratic equations sux... So hard and terefore don wan to talk about maths lesson... After that went for hockey where i learnt how to flick and now sometime i can do a decent flick which will be ver useful to clear the ball from the defence and the ball to the other half...

After hockey as usual came back home and then start cabal and punch... Then at the same time blog and study... lol and thats all for today... BB guys
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008 @ 8:21 PM
If anyone is likely to dress up in a crazy outfit, you are! You enjoy the visual stimulants of intense art accompanied with deep plots of fantasy, science-fiction, real-life; or you are just obsessed with Japan and everyone and everything in it. They love to gather with people like themselves at conventions and act crazy! The anime nerds are often associated with the stereotype of being the "psychotic" nerd, because they tend to be obsessive over their characters and series.

You psycho! I'm just kidding! But seriously, all forms of art should be appreciated, and anime is definitely one of them.
Social Nerd84%
Gamer/Computer Nerd81%
Science/Math Nerd77%
Literature Nerd71%
Artistic Nerd62%
Drama Nerd26%

So sue me , will you?
Shocking as it is, I was expecting to be a Science/Math nerd.
Well who knew?
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Boring Back to singapore Sorry for not posting for so long as there was som... From qatar I hate this skinmaker because his codes are freaki... I decided to continue blogging so that I can keep ... I did not post for so many days which is either be... I never post for one week... I was damn lazy and u... Feeling damn bored so i don wan post about today..... Found this quiz on rishi blog SO WILL RIP IT OFF F...